Total estimated Cost incurred on Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is about $45 Million and it is rough cost and out of $45 Million 90% cost incurred on the security arrangements of this Royal Marriage of Prince Harry and the other important question arising at this event who will pay such a huge amount either British Government or Royal Family . Royal Family will pay that amount according to the statement issued by Royal Family in this regard. If we further break up the total cost the cake on Royal Wedding will cost $67,158, florist will cost $147,748 and Catering will cost 384,148 (Wikipedia Sources) and Overall Estimated Cost on Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Megan Markle is about $45 Million, dress of Meghan Markle

Total Cost on Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

(A) $42 Million

(B) $45 Million

(C) $47 Million

(D) None of the Above.

Answer to the Question Related to total expenditure incurred on Wedding of Prince with Meghan Markle . According to the sources wedding cost is about $45 Million.


Ali Imran
Author: Ali Imran

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