1024 Kilo Byte (KB) is equivalent to 1 Mega Byte MB. This is a Computer term which is usually used in terms of storage devices such as Hardisk , Flash Drive, Optical Drive etc.

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In 2018 UN Human Rights Prize is won by Late Asma Jahangir, Joenia Wapichana, Rebeca Gyumi and Front Line Defenders a human Rights Organization . This year prize won by 3 Females and one Organization who is working on Human Rights. Prize will be distributed on 10th December 2018 on Human Rights International Day .

Muslim League was founded on 30th December 1906 . First President of All India Muslim League was Sir Agha Khan . Muslim League was established to get the separate state for the Muslims of the Sub Continent. All India Muslim League was dissolved on 15th August 1947. Pakistan Studies MCQs on Who is Who .

This question Who is Who series IG Islamabad Police and other provinces of Pakistan i.e IG Sindh, IG Balochistan, IG Khyber Pakhtoonkhawa, including IG Gilgit Baltistan. Here is the Multiple Choice Question on Current IGP of Islamabad. Federal Government of Pakistan appointed Qazi Jamil ur Rehman on 6th January 2020 , he is 21 grade Police Officer of Police Service of Pakistan PSP Group. Amir Zulfiqar was previously serving as IG   till 6th January 2020.