Current Affairs is the compulsory paper in CSS Exam . There are total three papers of General Knowledge. First one is General Science and Ability , Second one is Current Affairs and Third one is Pakistan Affairs . Current Affairs as the name suggest latest happening around the globe and important events which are taking place or going to happen in near future . Current Affairs CSS paper helps the aspirants in getting 50% aggregate marks in CSS Examination because it is a high scoring subject and easy one as compared to other papers. FPSC has recommended following syllabus for Current Affairs
Current Affairs CSS Syllabus
1. Pakistan Domestic Affairs (20 Marks)
Pakistan Domestic Affairs portion contain Current Affairs related to Pakistan Politics, Sports and any other important which are happening right now or happened in near past or going to happen in the near future. Pakistan Domestic Affairs has following sub sections i.e Political , Economic and Social .
2. Pakistan's External Affairs (40 Marks)
Pakistan External Affairs means relations of Pakistan with Neighboring Countries such as China, India, Iran and Afghanistan . Pakistan Foreign Policy for USA and other World powers has got the attention of paper setters . As the important topic now-a-days each current affairs paper has is the discussion on China Pakistan Economic Corridor. FPSC has recommended the following syllabus on Pakistan's External Affairs:-
1.Pakistan’s relations with its Neighbors (India, China, Afghanistan, Russia) such as CPEC
2. Pakistan’s relations with the Muslim World (Iran, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey) such Saudi Led Military Alliance
3. Pakistan’s relations with the United States such as Pakistan Current Relations with USA after the appointment of Donald Trump as President of US
4. Pakistan’s relations with Regional and International Organizations (United Nations Organization, SAARC, ECO, OIC, WTO (World Trade Organization, CW)
3. Global Issues (40 Marks)
Global issues are also the part of Current Affairs CSS syllabus . We can see important news on the current situation of Syria, Palestine , Kashmir and relations of International powers such as USA and Russia Relations, Brexit one of the important global issue covered by all important news agencies of the World . FPSC has set the following topics related to Global issues in Current Affairs CSS Paper:-
1. Kashmir Problem
2. Palestine Problem
3. Global Energy Politics
4. Global Warming Environment: Global Warming, Kyoto Protocol, Copenhagen Accord
5.Nuclear Proliferation and Nuclear Security
6. Cooperation and Competition in Arabian Sea, Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Current Affairs CSS paper is of 100 marks . 20 Marks are set for Current Affairs MCQs and 80 marks are set for subject portion . You can get better understand the CSS Current Affairs Syllabus 2019 if you go through the past papers of Current Affairs. We have also prepared some current affairs MCQs we hope which may be beneficial for the mcqs preparation of Current Affairs.