FPSC has announced more than 416 posts of SST for Male and Female in July 2019. Candidates who had applied on the above mentioned posts of SST Biology, Physics, Maths, Chemistry, Computer Science and Geography has started preparation for the Secondary School Teacher Male and Female as it was expected test will be conducted from 15th September 2019 tentatively as per schedule published and Roll No Slips issued by 30th of August 2019 . FPSC has announced Syllabus for SST for all categories. Many of the aspirants and candidates were asking when the test will be held.
FPSC Test Date Secondary School Teacher SST FG Schools 2019
Test Date for SST 2019 in FG Schools of Federal Directorate of Education will start from 15th September 2019, Third Week of November or Later as per Schedule Mentioned in Advertisement.
Test Date for the Consolidated Advertisement No. 7/2019 it is mentioned that tests for above mentioned advertisement as per tentative schedule and it will take one week to complete all the test for the Advertisement No. 7. SST Posts were also announced in this advertisement. We have more than more than one and half month for the preparation of SST . FPSC has also announced the syllabus for the post of SST 2019 Jobs.
We have prepared some Pedagogy MCQs for SST online Preparation please check below given link:-
Pedagogy MCQs for online Preparation of SST