Computer Operator Paper held on 24th March 2019 by Punjab Public Service Commission . You can check below PPSC Computer Operator past paper in Punjab Treasury and Accounts Service in Finance Department .
- Volley ball was include in Olympics inwhich years? 1964
- From the given options which one don't have headquarter in Geneva? WHO WTO ILO FAO Ans. FAO
- Under root 11664/?=2 ( 50 52 56 54 )
- DSL is an example of ...?
- Which Vitamins are water soluble ? Vitamin B and C are water soluble
- OIC came into existence in which year? 1969
- Which storage media gives sequential access? Magnetic storage or optical storage
- Time required by header to go on particular track of had disk is called?
- Intersection of row and column is called? Ans Cell
- Network which is based on small area or building is called? LAN
- Number of the month Ramazan in Islamic Calendar? 9th
- Name the newly elected Brazillian President? Jair Bolsanaro
- Total number of the Security Council members? 15
- Which one is the example of social media from the given options?
- What is functionality of printf statement in C ? to print the out of program
- Default orientation of slide in power point? landscape
- Deleting cell in the table is known as ?
- In c language break statement can be written as ? break;
- DSL cable is an example of what ?
- Meaning of Namaz ?
I have shared some question of today paper of Computer Operator , if you remember other please share .