Tehsildar test English Paper has been rescheduled on 7th November 2021.
Tehsildar today solved paper English Comprehensive and Composition held on 24th October 2021 10:00 Am. Download PPSC past paper of Tehsildar 2021 in Board of Revenue Department Government of Punjab 24-10-2021 morning paper 10:00 Pm along with answer key.
- Every cloud has a ____? Ans Silver Lining
- Familiarity breeds.....? Contempt
- Obstreperous synonyms ? Noisy and Difficult to Control
- What is meant by Mephitic? Offensive to the Smell.
- What is meant by Null and void? cancelled, invalid کالعدم
- What is meant Evil? Immoral مذموم
- Flustered meanings ? Agitated or confused
- Analogy Toss : Hurl :: ? Speak : Shout
- What is the antonym of Aboriginal ? Non native or non Indigenous
- A wolf in the _____ clothing? Ans Sheep
- Child born after father's death is known as? Posthumous
- Complete the idiom Out of the frying pan...? Into the fire
- What is meant by Jeer at ? to insult some one
- Meaning of Pick and Span idiom? Clean and tidy
- One word Substitute A post for which no salary is paid.... ? Honorary
- Fear of heights.... ? Acrophobia
- Caesarean meaning? surgical procedure for child delivery
- رنجش ? Enmity
- Meaning of Bellicose? Warlike situation
- Wheedle meaning? Deceive.
- What is meant by Persistently? Continuously
- Analogy Man : Men ? :: Goose : Geese
- To be rolling in the money? Very Rich
- Tremendous
- Choose the correct word spelling Manoeuvre? Maneuver
- Meaning of the idiom "Burry the hatchet" ? End the quarrel or enmity or become friendly
- ہنگامی حالت Write the English of this word ? Emergency
If you remember MCQs of today's tehsildar paper please share below in comments.
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