Senior Auditor FPSC today solved paper Batch 2 held on 30th August 2021 02:00 Pm. Download today FPSC past paper of Senior Auditor in Pakistan Military Accounts Department 30-08-2021 evening paper 02:00 Pm along with answer key.
- Servant is making tea . (A) Verb of Action (B) Verb of Movement (C) Verb of Existence (D) None of these
- He runs ______. (A) Fast (B) Fastly (C) A&B (D) None of these
- He and ______ are playing (A) Am (B) Is (C) Are (D) None of these
- I as well as he __________ in the meeting (A) Am (B) Is (C) Are (D) None of these
- Only son of the farmer is _______ . (A) died (B) Dead (C) Deadly (D) None of these
- You need not to ask me this question . (A) _______
- I am senior to him . (A) to him (B) than he (C) than him (D) None of these.
- He must go . (A) must (B) ought to (D) Both A&B (D) None of these
- The teacher told me frankly that the son __________failed . (A) will (B) Would (C) Should (D) None of these
- I make him ______ a letter for me. (A) to write (B) wrote (C) writing (D) None of these.
- This policy has been quite (A) Succeeded (B) Successfully (C) Successful (D) None of the above.
- Vitamins keep our body fit. (A) Keep (B) Will kept (C) shall keeping (D) None of these
- He is taller than me . (A) I (B) Me (C) Both A&B (D) None of these
- This book given to him by me. (A) Given (B) will given (C) was given (D) None of the above.
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