Inspector Inland Revenue 2017 Past Paper conducted by Federal Public Service Commission. Following multiple choice questions mcqs were asked in past papers of Inspector Inland Revenue FBR 2017 Batch 3 and Batch 4 which will be helpful in preparation of the test according to syllabus 2021. You can download it from below given link in pdf.
Past Paper of Inspector Inland Revenue 2017
check below the complete paper
- What is meant by Income from Property in Income Tax Ordinance 2001? Property or Rental income from the lease immovable property in Pakistan
- While calculating income from business, personal expenses are deductible are not? Not Deductible
- Income from business ? Is subject to Income Tax
- Companies are allowed to Tax credit on donations as per Income Tax Ordinance 2001? 20%
- Authority to allow tax payment on installment? Chief Commissioner
- Who is the Authority for arresting ? An Officer of Inland Revenue not below the rank of Assistant Commissioner
- Who is empowered Arrears collection inland ? Commissioner
- Federal Excise Law which deals with confiscate Cigarette & Beverages ? Ans sec 27 FEA
- Income from hire or lease of tangible movable property? Shall be chargeable to Income tax under head Income from Businesse
- Foreign Government Employees salary are subject to income tax or not.? Subject to Income Tax
- ST Zero rated schedule ? Ans Sixth schedule to the Sales Tax Act, 1990. Zero Rating. Zero rated goods are those goods on which the impact of tax paid is offset by subsequently
- Registered person can claim input tax for supplies on ? Business purchases and Imports
- What is meant by schedule name? Ans (sales Tax+FEA)
- Appeal to high court can be made in how many days ? 90 Days
- What is meant by Sales Tax period ? 30 Days
- For how much time Gwadar free zone is exempted from sales tax and FED? Ans 23 years
- How much Federal Excise Duty FED is charged on Cement? Rs. 1 Per KG
- What is the threshold for cottage Industry? 10 Million
- What is the capital gain tax on Immovable Property? 10% for Five Years
- Dutiable goods are specified in which schedule? First Schedule
- What is meant by the cost of reference to high court ? Discretion of the high court
- Default surcharge P/A at which rate
- Duty free goods
- Powers to arrest and prosecute given to an officer of inland revenue as per Section 37-A not below the rank of ? (A) chief Commissioner (B) Deputy Commissioner (C) Assistant Commissioner (D) None of these
- “Schedule” mean
- Tax Reforms in Pakistan financed by ? World Bank
- Reducing reliance on WHT is
- Re-engineering means in Tax reforms
- Establishment of large tax payment
- TARP environment term ex
- FBR improves productivity
- How many functions of FBR? (A) 22 (B) 30 (C) 15 (D) none of these (13)
- FBR grant allowances, rewards
- Direct tax is? Tax paid directly to Government such Income Tax, Property Tax or Tax on Assets
- How to appoint E-Intermediary.
- As per Salex Tax 1990 FBR follows which Procedure to arrest a person? 37B
- Custom Duty will be paid in which bank? any designated bank branch
- Board order which are not followed by officer?
- Default surcharge rate.kibor+3
- Service liable to duty
- Tax administration finance by ? World Bank
- Government receipts consists of how many sources ? 4 (A. Revenue Receipts B. Capital Receipts C. External Resources D. Self Financing by Autonomous Bodies)
- Which of the following is type of Revenue Receipts ? (A) Tax Revenue (B) Non Tax Revenue (C) Surcharge (D) All of the above.
- Government of Pakistan Collects revenues from surcharges such as ? (A) Custom Duty (B) Income Tax (C) Natural Gas and Petroleum (D) None of these
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