Assistant NAB today solved paper Batch 1 held on 8th August 2021. Download today NAB past paper of Assistant 2021 morning paper 10:00 Am along with answer key.
- What is the Antonym of word Succinct? Ans Lengthy
- What is the Antonym of Eminent ? Obscure
- What is the Synonym of Loquacious ? Reticent
- What is the Synonym of Cognizable ? Imperceptible
- Plurablity synonym...?
- Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed removed from his post by whom? Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A) 17hijri
- Holy Quran was revealed in how much time ? 23 years...22 years 5 months 14 days
- Quran revealed in? Ghar e Hira.
- Date of birth of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH? 12 Rabi ul Awal in 571
- Hazrat Younis (A.S) remained in the belly of fish for how many days? Ans 40 days
- Ghazwa Uhad occurred in which Hijri Year? 3 Hijri
- Change of Qibla in which Hijri Year? 2 Hijri
- Kufara to break fast? Need to give food to 60 People for 60 Days
- Name the khalifa who ruled 12years of Khilafat ? Hazrat Usman (R.A)
- Namaz become farz in which Hijri years? 10 Nabvi 1 hijri
- Quit India movement was started by whom? Mahatma Ghandhi
- Who was the President of Pakistan first legislative assembly? Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
- M.Ali Sadpara was died on? 5 Feb 2021
- Senate was introduced firstly in which constitution?1973
- Trans Karakoram Tract administered by which Country? China
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