Assistant NAB today solved paper Batch 1 held on 8th August 2021. Download today NAB past paper of Assistant 2021 morning paper 10:00 Am along with answer key.

  1. What is the Antonym of word Succinct? Ans Lengthy
  2. What is the Antonym of Eminent ? Obscure
  3. What is the Synonym of Loquacious ? Reticent
  4. What is the Synonym of Cognizable ? Imperceptible
  5. Plurablity synonym...?
  6. Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed removed from his post by whom? Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)  17hijri
  7. Holy Quran was revealed in how much time ?  23 years...22 years 5 months 14 days
  8. Quran revealed in?  Ghar e Hira.
  9. Date of birth  of Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH? 12 Rabi ul Awal in 571
  10. Hazrat Younis (A.S) remained in the belly of fish for how many days? Ans 40 days
  11. Ghazwa Uhad occurred in which Hijri Year? 3 Hijri
  12. Change of Qibla in which Hijri Year? 2 Hijri
  13. Kufara to break fast? Need to give food to 60 People for 60 Days
  14. Name the khalifa who ruled 12years of Khilafat ? Hazrat Usman (R.A)
  15. Namaz become farz in which Hijri years? 10 Nabvi 1 hijri
  16. Quit India movement was started by whom? Mahatma Ghandhi 
  17. Who was the President of Pakistan first legislative assembly? Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
  18. M.Ali Sadpara was died on? 5 Feb 2021
  19. Senate was introduced firstly in which constitution?1973 
  20. Trans Karakoram Tract administered by which Country? China

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Rizwan Khan
Author: Rizwan Khan
Mr. Rizwan has vast Knowledge on Current Affairs and General Knowledge. He has done Master in International Relations along with B.ed and M.ed with teaching capabilities

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